Last modified: 25 May 2022

By using the Sealfie website, mobile applications and making use of a Sealfie Account (the “Account”) and all its related features, you understand that your data in relation with your use of our Services is processed according to the following privacy policy. This policy states (i) what data we collect through your access and uses of the Services; (ii) the use we make of such data; and (iii) the safeguards put in place to protect your data. This privacy policy is to be read and understood as being a complement to our terms of service .

The Services are operated by SAS (the “Company”, “We”), domiciled at 41 rue Victor Hugo 38920 Crolles. It is therefore governed by the laws and regulations of France.

We are GDPR compliant. The designated representative of the Company in the European Union (notably for the purpose of art. 27 GDPR) is SAS, same address.

2. Data collection and usage

Our overriding policy is to never resell our customer data or target for advertising. We intent to share as little as possible and with explicit consent with the choosen third parties.

Data collection is limited to the following:

2.1 Account creation

In addition to end-to-end encryption, all content is also cryptographically signed by the user, before sending it to us. This means that you can always check the signature of any content you get back from our servers, which protects you from forgery (e.g. by a malicious actor).

2.6 Communicating with SealfieYour communications with us, such as support requests, bug reports, or feature requests may be saved by our staff. The legal basis for processing is our legitimate interest to troubleshoot more efficiently and improve the quality of our Services.

2.8 Payment informationWe rely on third parties to process credit card, PayPal, and Solana transactions and must therefore share payment information with them. Anonymous cash or Solana payments and donations are accepted. The legal basis of this processing is the necessity to the execution of the contract to provide the Services.

2.9 Native applicationsOur native applications, we (or the mobile app platform providers) may collect certain information. We may use mobile analytics software (e.g. app statistics and crash reporting, Play Store app statistics, App Store app statistics, or self-hosted Sentry crash reporting) to send crash information to our developers in order to rapidly fix bugs. Some platforms, such as Google’s Play Store or Apple’s App Store may also collect aggregate, anonymous statistics, which may be governed by their respective privacy policies and terms and conditions. Such statistics can include most commonly used devices and operating systems (e.g. percentage of Android 6.x v. Android 7.x), total number of installs and uninstalls, and the total number of active users.

5. Data subprocessors

To provide the Services, we rely on different data subprocessors, which process different categories of data. Processors never store data outside of the scope of their specific purpose.Notably, they do not store data in relation with the general day-to-day use of your Account and Services , which is exclusively processed by the Company. Subprocessors are as follow:

5.1 Sealfie Group subprocessors

  • Purpose: Process data account and data information. Files are store in encrypted format only
  • Data processing location: Macedonia
  • 5.2 Third-party subprocessors

    Stripe, Inc.
  • Purpose: Provide services in relation with the processing of payment data (section 2.6)
  • Data processing location: United States
  • 6. Data disclosure

    We will only disclose the limited user data we possess if we are legally obligated to do so by a binding request coming from the competent French authorities. We may comply with electronically delivered notices only when they are delivered in full compliance with the requirements of French law. Sealfie’s general policy is to challenge requests whenever possible and where there are doubts as to the validity of the request or if there is a public interest in doing so. In such situations, we will not comply with the request until all legal or other remedies have been exhausted. Under French law, subjects of judicial procedures have to be notified of such procedures, although such notification has to come from the authorities and not from the Company. Under no circumstances can Sealfie decrypt encrypted message content and disclose decrypted copies.